siapa presiden indonesia 2014 Prabowo Subianto

Lahir tanggal 17 Oktober 1951

Favourable Elements
Most Favourable Element

Colour: blue/black/gray
Favourable Element

Colour: red
Unfavourable Elements
Most Unfavourable Element

Colour: yellow
Most Unfavourable Element

Colour: white/gold
    This is a very important concept for you to improve your luck.
    Five element can be applied in many ways, but most important is the Colours of any objects etc. In this free report, only some information will be made know so that you can understand how to use it. This free report will only show you an example using the Best favourable element.
    • Your personal objects / dressing
      ie shades of colours:-
      • Water - blue/black/gray
      • Fire - red

    • Your career
      ie a Job favourable for you are:-
      • Water - Advertising, Arts, Communications, etc
      • Fire - Marketing, Sales, Fashion, etc

    • Your Chinese name
      ie a good name would help to increase your weak element
    The period – ie luck changes each day, month, year etc. So different period you will find your luck changes from up and down. Thus you should take advantage of those good luck period for doing any important thing in your life.
    Angka delapan : Mencerminkan uang, materi dan harta.

    Menyukai barang-barang yang esklusif dan bermerek.

    Selalu menilai segala sesuatu dari segi keuntungan, grafik keuangannya senantiasa merangkak naik, memiliki daya untuk mewujudkan segala sesuatu yang kuat, berorientasi kepada keberhasilan dan apa yang dapat dicapai dalam setiap tindakan.

    Kekuasaan, kedudukan, pimpinan puncak, manager, direktur utama, anggota tim pengawas, merupakan seseorang yang mampu mengerakkan sistim dengan hanya mengendalikan hal-hal yang sepertinya tidak berarti apa-apa.